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Vision paper released: A cooperative vision for the collaborative economy | Cooperatives Europe

Cooperatives Europe, the voice of cooperative enterprises in Europe, released its vision paper titled ‘A cooperative vision for the collaborative economy.’ The publication was presented at the conference at the European Parliament, hosted by MEP Nicola Danti (Rapporteur on Collaborative Economy) and Cooperatives Europe.

An answer to the communication of the European Commission “A European Agenda for the Collaborative Economy”, the vision paper analyses the current climate, elaborates on prospects and barriers and proposes a new definition for collaborative economy. The document envisions the collaborative economy as an opportunity to strengthen the European Single Market through an ambitious, harmonised strategy that aims to untap the socio-economic potential while tackling threats and negative effects. This vision paper also concludes that a platform-based business model like Uber’s is not a collaborative economy business….

Source : Vision paper released: A cooperative vision for the collaborative economy | Cooperatives Europe

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